Channel: Dennis's Diary of Destruction » rusty
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my buddies!!!


hello nice reederz its dennis the vizsla dog wel it apeerz i hav been reemiss in posting the gudies wot my frends hav givn me the last kuple of weeks so to rektify that heer ar too resent awards wot i wuz givn by other nice reederz such as yoreself:

first i wud like to thank my frends hoo ar prepayrd to absurdized yoo for giving me the kind blogger award!!!!

kind blogger award

sum kind of blogger

as yoo may no i wuz preevyusly givn this award by my gud frend mercedes hoo has been swallowd up by the black hole nown as school but perhaps we will see her agin nekst summer wen skool closes for three munths so the children can go home and help their mamas and dadas pick crops on the farm

nekst i wood like to thank my gud frend daisy dog for mayking me part of the skwirrel patrol!!!!!

my buddy!!!!!

my buddy!!!!!

as yoo may hav red in the papers the skwirrel patrol is a noo teem of superheroes led by the famus rusty the skwirrel-chaser wot hav banded together to defeet the vast rodent konspirasy the skwirrel patrol meets in the famus doghowse of justiss in the mithical sitty of metropolis


i am onnord to be mayd a member of this awgust organizayshun now if i cud just find my hypnotic flying disk i cud start mayking a contribyooshun to the skwirrel-fiting effort i will go luk for it now i hope i can find it before enny soopervillins attak!!!!! ok bye


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